Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've meant to start this for ages.... thought up lots of things to say, different angles from which to present this blog. But I've let many a moment slip by under the pretext of "I'm too tired/busy/occupied/lazy/uninspired/untalented/unimportant to write anything now." And I could very easily use one or more of those words right now. But if I do that, now dies. Its chance to extend beyond now and into eternity is gone. And while it is neither practical nor necessary to document every waking moment, it is nice on occasion to give glory to this very moment, for everything it is and is not. Now, when viewed in such a way, is such a gift.

So what is now for me? I am sitting in my in-laws' living room, le salon, half listening to my father-in-law (mon beau pere) and my husband (mon mari) discussing the official website for the "democratic" Republic of North Korea. This site is really sad, they blame all their problems on the American government. It makes me so angry how the mass media is so easily used for negativity. But the media isn't to blame, nor is it the media moguls; it's the culture of distrust, blame and selfishness. There is so much to overcome, to heal, to restore to original factory settings.

It's amazing how beautiful life becomes when we experience truth - whether it is found in words, in music, in a smile, an act of kindness, or a loving touch. It's like, all the evil just melts away for a second, and something infinitely more powerful takes its place. I wish that would happen more often. And yet, it can. It can happen as often as we choose to make it happen.

:) ... I started this post about 4 hours ago, and here it is.

Please, love life.

So, I think I'll release this to the world... now.