Thursday, October 6, 2011
Parc de Mon Repos
Thursday, September 29, 2011
So I took the metro down to Ouchy...
I said I’d be gone for only a half hour. That was not correct. And for some reason, I figured the DH wouldn’t mind, and might not even notice. But he did. He called, wondering where I was. I thankfully was already on my way back when he called, but his concern and underlying disappointment hit me. He is truly a man of his word - if he tells you something, unless it’s a completely obvious joke, he sticks to it. Naturally, he expects the same of those around him. I hate letting him down. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind too much. But it left me with a pretty strong reminder to be a person of integrity, even with the little things.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
My current occupation
Not bad, huh? :)
Perhaps I should clarify. This is what Leg #3 of my commute looks like; Leg #1 is a short metro ride from the CHUV to Ours, and Leg #2 is a bus from Place d’Ours to the bus terminal called Val-Vert. Lately I’ve taken to walking from Val-Vert to Belmont, the town where I’m volunteering, because why wait 30 minutes for a bus when walking takes nearly the same time? And with views like this, exercise has become so much more appealing :)
I really enjoy the work I’ve been doing. I scored this “job” (that pays no money) from a member of our local church, who is super-involved with leading our church’s various peace organizations. Of them, I am involved in 3: the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), and the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance (GiiA). GiiA’s the main one I’m involved with; it includes a youth simulation of an Inter-religious Peace Council, which is meeting on the 23rd of September! I am in the speakers’ list as a delegate representing my faith, Unificationism, and will be speaking on what sorts of concrete action I think the council could take to promote inter-religious and intercultural cooperation. It’s exciting, but intimidating as well; hundreds of people will be there, and I really hope I don’t come off as an uninformed buffoon. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Room Tour 2.0
Ok, you guys. When I first showed you our shoebox, I think I made it pretty clear that this was one real student pad. Well, we’re moving on up!
No, we’re not moving out. We’re just improving.
The bed and headboard - before: (note the uninspiring stack of books and miscellany)
And, le piece de resistance: the kitchen area! First the before:
Well, not really. But for me, it’s as if I did a real reno!
This little kitchen area had no proper area to dry dishes. In exploring my local options online, I took notice of a three-level vertical dish dryer from Ikea. When my dear MIL offered this little metal cart to me, I immediately saw its purpose. And whodathunk, it fits perfectly! It’s become a nice little hub for drying as well as storing our dishes, and I’m so proud.
Likewise, when I saw this dumb little particleboard shelf in the garage of the in-laws, I knew it was meant to be mine. And of course, in true destiny fashion, it fit perfectly too, and has been of immense help lately come dinner time!
So yes. Laugh if you want. Roll your eyes at the waste of time reading this entry may have been for you. But these little things, in such a little space, pack a BIG punch. They've made my day to day life easier, and therefore have earned their place in my heart.
Ok, back to your nice big homes. I'll be here, enjoying my shoebox :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
While I was in Bourg-en-Bresse, I did a bit of crafting.
It started out with these canvases I bought at what is currently my favorite store in the whole wide world, Cultura - it's basically a cross between Barnes & Noble and AC Moore. I set up shop on my family's balcony, and got to painting.
My original plan for these was to paint something pretty, and then turn the canvases into an unconventional bulletin board.
But the more I painted, the more I started to drift from the idea, until I completely changed my mind. They’re just too pretty…
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Apartment Tour...
And as we move slightly to the right, we make our way to the beginnings of our kitchen. Note the fridge, (which is roughly one-sixth the size of your standard American fridge) and the plethora of tomato sauce, canned mackerel and the like. I am NOT a fan of canned mackerel. But heck, it's cheap, and Dominique has accumulated tons of it over the past few months, as it is included in every bag of groceries brought by his parents when they visit. So, we'll make do. Anyone know some recipes with mackerel?
To the right, we have our sink, hot plates and microwave. No oven. So, no home-baked pizza or meatballs... :(. But I guess that just means I'll learn new recipes!
Just out of the shot on the right is the door to our apartment.